(Added on 2024/1/29)
Your chair" is limited to 2023, but a customer of Asakura Mokko has a grandchild in December. Someone was born in 2023, so I contacted Kimi no Chair Club and was told that they would accept orders even in 2024 as long as it was a gift for someone born in 2023.
We cannot say exactly how long due to materials and various other factors, but 2022 In the case of the designed chair, we were accepting production until December 2023." If you are interested, please contact "Your Chair ClubAsahikawa City University Administrative Office General Affairs Division 3-jo 23-chome-1-9 Nagayama, Asahikawa City, Hokkaido Please contact us at TEL: 0166-48-3121. (Weekdays 8:30~16:30 Saturdays 8:30~12:30 Closed on Sundays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays)
I was in charge of the design of "Your Chair" 2023, which will be celebrating its 18th year this year. Toru Asakura
Yuji Hattori of Furniture Studio Bokudama, in order to create products that take into consideration safety, strength, size, equipment, and number of legs.Takumi Kogei Co., Ltd. The 2023 model "Your Chair" was created after many discussions with Yoshihiko Kuwabara and other creators.
4/15 We participated in the model presentation and presentation ceremony in Higashikawa-cho, Hokkaido.

Four representative families born in 2023, town and village mayors from six of the 11 participating municipalities, designers, and makers gathered in Higashikawa Town, Hokkaido.
It was raining and cloudy the day before and the day after, but it was sunny that day! I could clearly see Mt. Daisetsuzan shining brightly.

Some families are also participating with their own ``Your Chair,'' which their older brother received as a gift several years ago.
It makes me smile to imagine them growing up saying things like, ``This is my chair,'' and ``I like this better.'' When I think about the design of the chair, I think, ``Why do I like this better?'' The way you look should also change.
Once again, I was happy to participate in a good initiative.

●What is "Your Chair" project
``We want to share the joy of welcoming a new child with the local people.''
The “Your Chair” project started from such a conversation in the Isoda seminar at Asahikawa University Graduate School in Hokkaido. This is an initiative in which children who have become ``new citizens'' are given ``chairs'' as a symbol of their place to belong, with the feeling of ``thank you for being born.''
``Your Chair'' is based on the design drawn by the designer with all his heart. This is an original handmade chair made using the furniture manufacturing technology that we are proud of. The design changes every year, and it is a ``one-of-a-kind chair'' with your name, date of birth, project logo, and serial number engraved on the back of the seat.
``Your chair'' is a storage device for memories. It is a gift to our children's future.
We send "Your Chair" from the land of Hokkaido, hoping that new life will grow healthily under the warm gaze of people. We will deliver it to you.
(From "Your Chair" project, Asahikawa City University/Asahikawa City University Junior College website) ”
``One of the reasons I decided to launch the Your Chair Project'' First, we wanted to create a system in which, as citizens, we could respect the skills of the craftsmen who breathed new life into the trees that have grown robustly on this land and handed them over to us as everyday tools. (Mr. Kenichi Isoda, representative of “Your Chair” project)”
There is a system called ``Your Chair Club'' where people who live in areas other than the participating municipalities can also participate in ``Your Chair'' and gift a chair to their children, grandchildren, acquaintances, etc.
Children born in 2023 will receive a 2023 model "Your Chair."
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[Contact information]
Asahikawa City University Administrative Office General Affairs DivisionNagayama 3-jo 23-1-9, Asahikawa, HokkaidoTEL: 0166 (48) 3121 (Weekdays 8:30~16:30 Saturdays 8:30~12:30 Closed on Sundays, holidays, New Year's holidays)

Your Chair" Previous chairs are on display at "Your Chair Workshop Gakusha" in Sapporo, Hokkaido. (Photo)
The actual "Your Chair 2023 Model" can be viewed at Kyoto Sumiya Asakura Mokkou.

Also, I would be happy if you could learn about the project called "Kibo no Kimi no Chair".
There is a book that compiles the records of each child born on the day of the earthquake, who were given ``Your Chair'' and who wrote about their experiences on that day. A vivid record of children being born and people helping each other during an earthquake that caused lights in the operating room to fall during childbirth. “To You Born on March 11th” Your Chair Project Edition Published by 4 Hokkaido District Newspaper Companies
In charge of your chair 2023 designToru Asakura (View Profile)
Kyoto Tanzan Asakura Woodworking
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